my7 uses the decades of experience of Europe’s largest nursing pillow manufacturer, Theraline. In my7, Theraline combines the strengths of three different filling materials to create a new unique Sleeping Comfort in the anatomically advantageous seven shape. There are many sleeping pillows that are soft and cuddly, but they are often far too soft and weakly filled. As a result, legs and knees are usually no longer adequately supported after a short time – the body loses its balance. Pillows with fillings of natural husks or polystyrene beads are very stable, but rustle far too much for most tired spirits and are quite hard to sleep on. Thanks to a unique pillow construction, my7 manages to avoid exactly these weak points.
Wenn du unsere Perlenkissen einmal ausprobierst, spürst du eines sofort: sie geben dir oder deinen Lieben Halt, wie kein anderes Kissen. Dabei kommen unsere kleinen Theraline-„Helden“ ganz groß raus: unsere sandfeinen, flüsterleisen Mikroperlen. Egal ob groß oder klein, schwanger oder stillend oder ob du unsere Kissen einfach nur zum Schlafen nimmst, die Theraline-Kissen formen sich dank der frei fließenden, schadstofffreien Perlen immer optimal an und geben im Leben Halt – genauso, wie du es brauchst.